PHP-Stats is a script to record visits to your web site.

It resides on your server.

It’s free.


Click here to see it working on my site.

Main Features 

>> Easy setup!

>> Statistics live in your server. This mean thay you do not depend on any mutable external service.

>> No external connections while collecting data for maximum php script speed.

>> There is no limit to the amount of data you want to keep (years of statistics).

>> You can gather information about operating systems used by visitors, browsers, resolutions, queries, downloads, clicks, languages, locations, and much more.

>> Configurable: choose what you need and avoid unuseful couple of misterious data.

>> Counters and Charts for your web pages.

>> Various themes for Php-Stats pages.

>> Languages: english, italian, francais.

Setup and System Requirements 


1. Copy all files to your web site.

2. Just execute setup.php from the browser!

3. Now insert the provided monitoring code into your web pages.


A server running at least PHP v5 and mySQL v4 or higher is required.

Counters show total visits or total pages viewed,

related to current page,

returning visitors,

online users,



Choose from many styles and fonts.

You can add counters and chart everywhere in your pages simply adding HTML strings.


Bar chart reports page views.


Line chart reports total visits, pages, returns or all together.

This is the main screen with a summary of collected data.


(click the image to enlarge)

This screenshot is an example of a daily report about visitors and page views.


(click the image to enlarge)

App no longer available on AppStore 


With the App you can quickly access all your Php-Stats for web sites you admin.


It reports all most significant statistics.


Available for iPhone and iPad.


(click images to enlarge)