Short:    *McFiler* catalogues files w/ many useful functions (fit,unpack,..)
Uploader: robiz
Author:   Roberto Bizzarri, robiz
Type:     biz/dbase
Requires: OS 3.0 (v39) and reqtools.library
Version:  5.1
Replaces: biz/dbase/McF50.lha
                                                    ______     __
            __  __      _____ _ _                  / ____/  __/ /
           |  \/  | ___|  ___(_) | ___ _ __       / /___   /_  /
           | |\/| |/ __| |_  | | |/ _ \ '__|      \__  /    / /
           | |  | | (__|  _| | | |  __/ |        ___/ /__ _/ /
           |_|  |_|\___|_|   |_|_|\___|_|       /____//_//___/

     This program was born to achieve a better way to catalogue and archive
files  on  ANY  MEDIA  DEVICE. It features functions able to quickly trace,
view, unpack, rename, discard, dupecheck, ..., files.

     It  can be used either to trace a file among your CD-Roms, or to avoid
wasting  your  hard  disk  space  with  programs  you already moved to your
storage/backup units.

     It  also features two handy options: FitDisk and SingleFit, which have
been  designed  to allow you to optimize your collection of files to fit in
the least possible number of disk units (floppies, Zip-s, tapes, ...).

     McFiler  requires  at least OS 3.0+ (v39+) and "reqtools.library" v38+
(© by Nico François & Magnus Holmgren).

Major changes

V5.0 had been linked with a library not working on plain 68000 machines,
thus McFiler wasn't working. Now its author fixed that bug (thanks to Leif
Euren and Tom Christensen).

Memory allocation were rather slow: fixed.

The Pattern Matching field now can host up to twice as much characters

McFiler's ScreenMode requester will now prompt the user with over-640x480
screens only, recognizing overscan where appliable.

File I/O operation speed is twice as fast now, due to AsyncIO.lib (linked).

If you press a key (from A to Z) while holding Shift, the main
list prompt will look for the first item beginning with that character.

Reintroduced different background color for different disks in Sort by

German .guide and .catalog added.

A u t h o r

Internet Email : robiz

Fidonet matrix : Roberto Bizzarri, 2:335/533.14

Snail mail     : Roberto Bizzarri, v. Giolitti 124, I-61100 Pesaro, ITALY